
Mobile application

Mobile Application is application development. for use on smartphones The most popular is iOS and Android systems, resulting in the development of applications such as online shopping systems, online food ordering systems, pre-booking systems, online chat programs, maps, as well as games and many others. to meet the needs of consumers It also supports smartphone users to be more user-friendly, convenient and comfortable to use anywhere, anytime.

Service advantages

  • Reduce the cost of producing advertising and public relations materials. that is lost without being able to predict that the customer will enter the ad Those publicity
  • Enhance the image of the store. Or the organization to look good, have strengths and have a clear selling point. As a result, the business has increased sales. have better feedback or better known
  • Better customer service relations
  • Reduce the complicated work process. and make contacting various tasks more convenient and comfortable

What do you get from this service?

  • Build your brand recognition Because you will get your own Mobile Application that allows customers to access your business with just one click.
  • Send a short Notification Message that you want to notify. or various promotions to your customers thoroughly It’s like sending SMS for free. Your customers will receive a warning message even if the application is not open.
  • Increase your business sales By presenting great promotions to your customers/members in an easy to use process.
  • You will receive a database of members who come to use your application, where you can bring various customer information such as gender, age, relationship between sex and age. can be used for analysis for new promotions
  • It is a new channel to interact with customers faster and more widely, such as Chat or QRCode technology, etc.
  • Reporting system and statistics of Mobile Application usage, whether it is your member database in overall form daily/month/year and view individual history

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